Treadmill 100K

In honor of the first day of spring, I thought I’d share a post of a winter ultra challenge I did. I decided to go for a new kind of challenge this past December: a treadmill distance challenge. I’ve always struggled with the mental aspect of treadmill runs so I thought it would be aContinue reading “Treadmill 100K”

When you can’t run, paint

Or do something you might not love but at least tolerate. I am awful at resting. I’ll be the first to admit I have a running addiction, but it becomes a serious problem when an injury comes along and I refuse to let my body heal. I had a bad ankle sprain in October, soContinue reading “When you can’t run, paint”

Running the Loowit Trail

I’ve been feeling a bit stir-crazy lately. After my Wonderland DNF last month, I knew I wanted to do at least one more epic loop before snowfall. I considered the Wonderland North Loop (a 30-mile endeavor with around 10,000 feet of elevation gain), but I ultimately decided to try my luck running around another volcano,Continue reading “Running the Loowit Trail”

Buck Creek to Spider Gap

In late August 2020, I completed the Buck Creek to Spider Gap loop near Lake Wenatchee, WA. This was my first solo adventure that involved traveling over an hour to my destination, and I pored over travel blogs, Trail Run Project app and AllTrails in preparation. I decided to attempt the loop in the clockwiseContinue reading “Buck Creek to Spider Gap”

Wonderland DNF

Summer 2020 has been a time for crazy FKT (Fastest Known Time) attempts, new records, and virtual races. I participated in the Great Virtual Race Across Tennessee, logging just over 2000 kilometers over four months, and just a week after its completion I embarked on my most ambitious goal yet: circumnavigating the 93-mile Wonderland TrailContinue reading “Wonderland DNF”

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